Re: [orca-list] OT grub question

Yes, you can..
Here you can find a simple howto:

from gnome Terminal type:

sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst

search title string typing:


Now you find the firs occurence but you need a line not strarting with #.
Lines starting with # are comments



to find next occurences.

In my Ubuntu 8.04 the third occurence is the first real one

Orca can read a line like this:

title           Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.24-15-generic

Now you can add a special character to add a beep:

To obtain this you can type CTRL+V+G

Firs move on U character of Ubuntu word typing:

f U



to switch in insert mode and type:


for writing ^G ( ASCII 007 )



to exit from insert mode



to save and exiting from the editor

Reboot your system to test it

You can add another ^G character for other Grub menu titles repeating
above steps

Attenntion: When Grub menu appears all menu titles are writen and you
listen all ^G inserted and when you move from a menu title to another,
you listen a beep for the voice you leave and a beep for the voice you
enter in

For a radical solution you can have a look to:
and for Grub 2 improvment:

Happy hacking
Franco Carinato

On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 9:21 PM, Lenny Ervin <LennyErvin cableone net> wrote:
 I have looked on the web, and so far I haven't found an answer, and I'm
 hoping someone here would know how to address this.
 I have a duel-boot system, XP & Ubuntu 7.10.
 My grub comes up, and if I just press enter, I go into Ubuntu, and if I want
 to go into XP, I have to down arrow 5 times.
 But I never know when to do this, and my down arrow key is showing signs of
 over use, so I would like grub to beep when it is ready for me to down
 arrow, or just press enter to enter Ubuntu.
 Is there a way to do this in Ubuntu, or will I need sighted assistance in
 grub to address this?

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