Re: [orca-list] GNOME File Associations

am Do 10. Apr 2008 um 09:31:44 schrieb Steve Holmes <steve holmesgrown com>:
Quick question, I think.  How do you associate applications with file
extensions in GNOME? In MS Windows, that's usually done in the
advanced options of windows explorer.  I looked all over the
preferences dialogs from a normal user's point of view and I couldn't
find anything to do that.  Specifically what I'm trying to do is
associate Firefox with .htm and .html files when I hit the enter key.
The current default is some other browser (I forget the name but it
isn't accessible).  I think  I did something once because I some how
managed to change the default for media files from Rhythmbox to Totem
movie player but can't remember now how I did that.
In system/preferences/prefered applications. You find several tabs, among 
them one relating to web/email. Here you can specify your default 
browser/mailer. Another tab is the multimedia one, where you can specify 
your standard media player.
Note: This dialog doesn't show all possible types of files, and I don't 
know where the others - such as OO files or text files - are located.

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