Re: [orca-list] orca and latest firefox question

On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 05:52:48PM +0200, Halim Sahin wrote:
My Question:
When I open a (known) homepage and want to activate the e. G. 4. link
of this page and press tree times fast the tab key orca 
reads all links between 1 and 4. 
Shortly the speech synthesizer does not stop very fast.
This happens only in firefox not in other gnome apps.

In Firefox 3 beta 5 (but not beta 4), Orca is less responsive when the tab key
is pressed. This is Orca 2.22. I notice it more with speech than with the
braille output.

I tend to use structural navigation and text searches rather than the tab key
to find links, so this doesn't affect me very much but may annoy others.

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