[orca-list] Live CDS and MP3's

Hi folks,

I'm stil playing around with Ubuntu Linux and Orca from my live CD. I
haven't quite gotten the nerve to try and install Ubuntu on this machine
yet, as it is my only good working computer, and I don't want to wreck my
Windows XP installation by mistake.

Anyhow, is it possible to play MP3 files in Linux if you have just booted in
to it from a live CD, and if so, how? I found some of my MP3 files, and
pressed enter, but the application that came up gave me several error messages:

Cannot find sound server

and one about codecs needing to be installed.


PS! If anyone could give me tips, and by tips I mean preferably step by step
instructions in plain English LOL, about installing Ubuntu, and having a
dual boot system, winXP home is already installed, please let me know.

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