Re: [orca-list] Firefox 3.0 64-bit nightly build

"LT" == Lorenzo Taylor <daxlinux gmail com> writes:

    LT> Is a 64-bit version of Firefox 3.0 nightly available anywhere? I
    LT> only find the 32-bit version on the ftp site. Am I limited to
    LT> using the 32-bit version or the version in Ubuntu Gutsy or is
    LT> there another place I can find the 64-bit nightly build?

    LT> Thanks much for any help, Lorenzo
I build it from cvs. As an attachment you can find my easy script and
.mozconfig file. You need edit it and set your patch etc...

After build you can make make install prefix=YOURPATH . On Debian I
install into /usr/local/stow/firefox and then I switch into this
directory and make stow. Stow is a program for non Debian programs and
its including into Debian system. Please read stow documentation.



Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

cd /usr/local/src/cvs/
rm mozilla -rf
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous cvs-mirror mozilla org:/cvsroot co mozilla/
cd mozilla
make -f checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser
cp /var/tmp/.mozconfig .
make -f build

Attachment: .mozconfig
Description: Binary data

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