Re: [orca-list] Orca dialogs not available after logging in

From: "Willie Walker" <William Walker Sun COM>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Orca dialogs not available after logging in

It may be that nothing has focus when you first log in. As a result of this, the AT-SPI infrastructure is unable to capture any keyboard events, resulting in Orca not knowing anything is happening. :-(

If you press Alt+Tab, do you get any speech?
I think you are correct. Alt-Tab gets no speech. If I go to the top panel (Alt-F1) and then hit escape, I am similarly without speech on Alt-Tab and I cannot launch the Orca dialogs. However, if I hit Alt-F1 and give the top panel focus, I can launch the Orca dialogs.

To me, this looks like a bug, but I'm not sure for whom. If the Orca main window is not open, can focus be passed from Orca to the desktop? Or, would this cause problems for focusing other applications that are launched on startup?



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