Re: [orca-list] Potential conflict between Orca and emacspeak with hardware synth

For what it's worth, _something_ does probe the serial port when the user enters the preferences dialog. I have a Speak-out connected to the serial port on my desktop, and it starts reading out commands intended for a DEC-talk. So presumably it is gnome-speech that is doing this.
-- Mike Gorse / AIM:linvortex / --

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Willie Walker wrote:

Hi David:

Orca doesn't probe the serial ports at all.  Instead, it relies upon the
selected speech system (gnome-speech, emacspeak, speech dispatcher) to
perform audio/driver support on Orca's behalf.

If you take emacspeak out of the equation, and choose gnome-speech with
eSpeak for Orca, do you still experience the hang?  If so, it might be
instability in Gutsy that's getting you.


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