Re: [orca-list] Problems orca, & espeak in debian testing!

Hi all 

Marco you can try selecting Espeak from the test-speech application.

Make this steps and report us 

1. Run espeak-synthesis-driver from a virtual console
2. From another virtual console run test-speech application and select espeak as your synthesizer.
3. See the output on both consoles 

Hope this help



-----Mensaje original-----
De: orca-list-bounces gnome org 
[mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] En nombre de 
marco fisch n-ergie de
Enviado el: martes, 02 de octubre de 2007 9:42
Para: orca-list gnome org
Asunto: [orca-list] Problems orca, & espeak in debian testing!

Hi list,

i installed orca on a debian machine. now i've the problem to 
configure espeak in orca! I run orca -t from a command line.. 
Festival speech is talking which systhesizer to use. So i 
tried to chose espeak. Now orca would read the possibilties 1 
de german 2 mbrola german etc. In this dialog orca is 
crashing without a error message. so i tried orca to 
configure with festival. That was no problem. So i swiched to 
espeak from the settings dialog. And orca crashes down again 
without error. I installed all packages for espeak. As daemon 
it's running without a problem. What could i do with against 
this problem? Any ideas? Thanks


using: Debian Testing compieled Orca 2.21.0pre

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