Re: [orca-list] Alsa-OSS Politics?

I don't believe these are political issues. Instead, they are historical issues -- who created what with which libraries, who still maintains their code, what's changed, etc. As a result, it's kind of like a patchwork quilt.

Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
I have seen in a couple of places, most notably on the Orca FAQ, that 
there are political issues preventing Orca from using the Alsa-OSS for 
speech output by default.  This allows Orca to speak while other audio 
is playing.  Curiosity is killing me...what on Earth are these political 
issues?  It seems ridiculous that any sort of political issue can be so 
important as to cause such irritation, particularly for non-techie blind 
computer users wanting to make the transition.  I just got through 
helping my girlfriend get ESpeak routed through Alsa-OSS, and I don't 
understand why this can't be the default.  What are these mysterious 
political issues?
Josh de Lioncourt
overlord lioncourt com <mailto:overlord lioncourt com> other mail provider is an owl...


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