Re: [orca-list] orca does not onload synthesis-drivers after setup

Hi Halim:

I can verify this.  :-(  Restarting orca will get rid of these drivers.
I've logged a bug for this:

There is a general refactor that's needed for speech at the moment --
we're learning that we need to support multiple languages better, and
people would also like to have finer granularity over voice selection
(e.g., a voice per role).  This refactoring is going to be a bit
disruptive and time consuming, and I'm tempted to push it off to the
beginning of the next release of GNOME (GNOME is released on 6 month
cycles, so 'next release' is not as far out as some people might


On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 22:58 +0200, Halim Sahin wrote:

Subject is my problem.
After adjusting some parameters in the orca setup,
I noticed high cpuload.
The results of my checks with ps are that all synthesis-drivers
were loaded in memory.
espeak, speechd, festival...
Especialy the festival driver consumes much cpu power.
Can someone confirm this?

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