Re: [orca-list] some more issues with orca and speech-dispatcher.

hello herman,
I did the build-dep and now waiting for the process to complete.
meanwhile after installing libflite1 which I mentioned in my previous
email, I did get speech-dispatcher in my orca settings but the affect
is horrible.
well, here is my current status.
I got speech-dispatcher as one of the 3 speech systems along with
gnome-speech and emacspeak.
and in the speech synthesizer I got speech-dispatcher default and not espeak.
is that the right thing happening?
further there were no voices in the person combobox.
and here is the worst part that happened.  I selected
speech-dispatcher and clicked apply,  blast! orca can't speak any
I had to restart my machine and then do orca -t and get it setup again.
now it is owrking fine but now I don't have speech-dispatcher any more
in the speech systems combo.
this is very strange and some one please explain me what has gone wrong.

On 17/05/07, hermann <steppenwolf2 onlinehome de> wrote:
Libflite1 is for Festival Lite, a speech module used in SD. It's a
smaller variant of Festival.
You must restart Orca after installing SD, and then open the settings
dialog and switch to the speech tab.
Instead of installing library by library, you could type
apt-get build-dep speech-dispatcher
apt-get build-dep python-speechd
Before doing this you can type
apt-get update
to keep your archives up to date.

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