Re: [orca-list] orca developers and users round table

"MP" == Mike Pedersen <Michael Pedersen Sun COM> writes:

    MP> Hi all, As it seems as though the list is becoming more and more
    MP> busy with lots of great thoughts and ideas with user issues and
    MP> comments I've been thinking that it might be good to have a
    MP> regular chat time for those of us on the orca team and all of
    MP> our users to interact. I'm thinking that a set time once a week
    MP> where we congregate in the orca IRC chat room might be
    MP> beneficial to all of us. Topics could include prioritization of
    MP> new features and bug fixes as well as helping users use orca and
    MP> the gnome desktop in the most efficient way possible. I'd like
    MP> to propose starting next week Tuesdays at 11:00 AM pacific
    MP> daylight savings time which I believe is 1800 GMT. I'm of course
    MP> open to other suggestions I just throw this out as a
    MP> possibility. If any of you think this is a good idea or have
    MP> suggestions please respond to the list. thanks much Mike

good idea. But i think that jabber is better then irc.



Jan Buchal
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