Re: Orca To Joanie: Great work!

Hi Hermann.

Thanks back at you! I hadn't noticed the bug where control+h and control+o didn't do what they should until you pointed it out. And some of the stickage that was eliminated in recent weeks was a direct result of things you had posted. Users reporting their day-to-day experiences using Orca plays a *huge* role in keeping things moving in the right direction. It's very much appreciated!!

The other people you should thank are the Sun guys (Will, Rich, Mike, and Lynn). What you don't see in the ChangeLog is all the help and feedback I get from them, pointing out cases that didn't occur to me and better ways to approach things, and answering all my silly questions -- of which there is an abundance. <smile> The only reason I can do what I can do now is because of them. (Thanks guys!!!)

This really is an amazing community!

Thanks again and take care.

hermann wrote:
Hi Joanie,
FF3 is getting better and better, thanks to your work. For those who didn't realize it: You can now scrol from list to list by
using "l" and shift+l. A first quick test showed that it works.
Also thanks for fixing the bug where control+h and control+o use to
scroll the page instead of performing the FF specific hotkeys.
If the FF team keeps uploading Foxes that do their job, we're going to
move in the right direction.

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