[orca-list] New feature: Setting text attributes

Another new Orca feature was checked into Orca SVN HEAD
last night, which will also appear in Orca 2.19.4 early
next week.

This is the ability to adjust what text attributes are
spoken and brailled when you type <ORCA_MODIFIER>-f
(i.e. Insert-f for Desktop systems).

There is a new tab in the Orca Preferences dialog where
this information appears. It's the right most tab.

There is a text attribute list, where each row consists
of three columns:

1/ A checkbox which the user can set to indicate whether
  this text attribute should be spoken or not.

2/ The name of the text attribute.

3/ An editable "Spoken unless" string value. By default,
  not all text attributes will have this set. If present,
  what it means (assuming the user wants this text attribute
  spoken) is that the value of the attribute will only
  be spoken if it's a different value than this value.

  For example, by default the "underline" text attribute
  has a value of "none". If the user has this attribute
  checked and the user types <ORCA_MODIFIER>-f and the
  text in question is not underlined, then this attribute
  is not spoken. If you always want this attribute to be
  spoken irrespective of whether the text is underlined,
  then the attribute should be checked and the "Spoken
  unless" value cleared.

There is also a "Reset" (Alt-r) button present that will
set the list values back to their initial state when the
dialog was first displayed.

When you initially display the text attribute pane, all your
checked attributes are put at the top of the list. They are
given in the order that they will be spoken and brailled.

If you decide to check others or wish to adjust the order,
there are four buttons to help you do this:

"Move to top" (Alt-t)
moves the selected attribute to the top of the list.

"Move up one" (Alt-u)
moves the selected attribute up one row.

"Move down one" (Alt-d)
moves the selected attribute down one row.

"Move to bottom" (Alt-b)
moves the selected attribute to the bottom of the list.

Text attributes can also be set on an individual application
basis. The text attribute pane is also part of the application
specific settings dialog that's started when you give a
particular application focus and type <ORCA_MODIFIER>-Control-Space.

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