Re: [orca-list] Ibmtts and Orca.

"LY" == Luke Yelavich <themuso themuso com> writes:

    LY> However, if I build speech-dispatcher with ttsynth support, and
    LY> use speech-dispatcher from Orca, the fastest rate is nice and
    LY> fast, although it could be much faster.

    LY> I have also found that if one arros through several lines of
    LY> text, or moves through menus quickly, speech is not interrupted
    LY> as you go. I.e, speech overlaps, due to ALSA being used, and
    LY> previous speech not being quieted.

yes I can confirm it. But I think that is problem in some latest code in
Orca because several days ago was OK. I have two installation of orca
and one is ok, messages are canceled but in other not.

Will, please  can you check it?



Jan Buchal
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