Re: [orca-list] Swedish voices

Hi Mattias

Where can i find swedish voices for orca

eSpeak, one of the open source text-to-speech engines that works with Orca, supports Swedish (they describe the quality as: "This has now had some work done on the pronunciation rules, so it should be useable." - see Depending upon what system you are running on, eSpeak with Swedish support may already be present (try the latest builds of Ubuntu for something that has recent eSpeak on it). Orca itself has been localized into Swedish, and ought to work with eSpeak (and as with eSpeak, the latest Ubuntu keeps pretty up to date with Orca builds). I haven't tried that combination myself, and know perhaps 2 words of Swedish, so I wouldn't be a good person to evaluate it in any case.

If you need to build Orca, or gnome-speech (the text-to-speech framework that connects Orca to eSpeak among other TTS engines), please see for information on this. To get and build eSpeak, start with

Good luck, and please let us know how things work out. Also, I believe there may be some Swedish Orca users on this list. If I'm correct, perhaps they might share their experiences.


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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