Re: [orca-list] No blinking cursor at Orca

Hi Simon:

We looked into this a while back, and I think we came to the conclusion
with the BrlAPI/BrlTTY folks that this needs to be something that needs
to be fixed in the BrlAPI/BrlTTY side.  

We could potentially hack Orca to provide a cursor blink, but I think it
is something that probably should be done at the BrlAPI/BrlTTY level.


On Mon, 2007-07-09 at 22:06 +0200, Simon Bienlein wrote:
Hi everyone,

I configured BrlTTY so that the cursor is being displayed as blinking
with the dots 7 and 8. However, when I work under Orca, I do not have
this blinking cursor. How can I configure Orca so that I am being
displayed a blinking cursor on the braille display here as well?

Thanks in advance for your hints and answers.


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