Re: [orca-list] sudo password is the password of the current user?

The password you need to enter is the one you logged in with when ubuntu 
starts up.

yes, the root account is generally disabled, sudo allows you to act as a 
root whilest the process you requested runs.

using the sudo method is said to be safer than a direct root account, 
because it is harder to modify a working system unintentially.

Only users in the sudo group can successfully run the sudo command.

Hope this helps.

On Sun 08/07/2007 at 16:58:49, Sunfire wrote:
I was attempting to update orca in ubuntu 7.04. I ran across the following
issues which seem a little interesting.
user ubuntu7 04$~ sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca
enter password: *******
su: authentication failed. Sorry.
user ubuntu7 04$~
I tried everything. I looked at some stuff about root passwords online (my
root password is not set). I found out that "the sudo password is the
password you created for [the user]". What does this mean and is it secure?
Is it only meant for the first user created at install?

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