Orca Fwd: Re: Debugging gnome-speech (was Re: troubbles by running orca)

Dies ist eine weitergeleitete Nachricht
Von    : Sebastian Dellit <sebo blinzeln de>
An     : Debian Accessibility <debian-accessibility lists debian org>
Datum  : Montag, 8. Januar 2007, 12:56
Betreff: Orca Debugging gnome-speech (was Re: troubbles by running orca)

===8<=================== Original Nachrichtentext ===================
Hoppa Willie and all readers,

on Monday, January 8, 2007 at 12:54:59 PM means Willie Walker:
I've not seen this festival crash before.  :-(  This may be related to
the fact that you are on amd64 with the debian amd64 etch.   Do you have
a different machine or different OS distribution that you can try?

I will try to use an 32 bit chroot for orca. When I finished I
call back the list.

Thanks and
Best regards Sebastian 
ICQ: 264706583 / MSM: sebo blinzeln de / Skype: sebo_de
E-Mail: sebo blinzeln de / Web: www.blindzeln.de

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===8<============== Ende des Original Nachrichtentextes =============

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sebastian                            mailto:sebo blinzeln de

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