Re: Orca Does anyone use Fielzilla

Is there an accessible FTP client under Gnome?

Actually, even though I prefer to ftp via command line <grin>, I just
installed a few packages and tried them out with Orca.  Downloader for X
(the d4x package in Ubuntu) seems pretty darn accessible right out of
the box without any special scripting in Orca.  There were a few text
boxes that need some better labeling, etc. but that shouldn't be too
much trouble to fix.  So d4x has my vote -- even with the cheesy
start-up sound. <smile>

I tried gftp, but the result was even more catastrophic. Orca hangs
after a few seconds when starting the program.

Yikes!  Turns out that gftp won't fully load if accessibility is enabled
even if Orca is not running. I'll make sure that is the case with the
latest, bleeding-edge version before I decide where all to file bugs....
Thanks for pointing this issue out.

Take care.

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