Orca another espeak problem

Hello listers, I have tried upgrading to the latest release 1.19 of ESpeak. although espeak is working I suspect my synth is not the latest one. I have followed instructions about copying and configuring libespeak.so libraries. I simply copy the latest speak file to /usr/bin and the espeak-data folder to /usr/share. I have copied the Espeak file also. However, If I try to run espeak from the terminal window, I get the following error: espeak: error while loading shared libraries: libespeak.so.1: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory. Please note that the shared libraries i.e libespeak.so.1.1.19, libespeak.so and libespeak.so.1 files aare there in /usr/lib and the speak_lib.h file is in /usr/include. the speak executible is working fine and so is the espeak synth. I choose gnome speech services as the driver andspeech-dispatcher gnomespeech driver as my synth. However, I don't get Espeak as an option. Thanks and regards,

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