[orca-list] LCD as Orca output


for teaching purposes we'd like to use a 80 character LCD as the
character output for Orca instead of a braille display. How can I do
that? Perhaps one could hack the X11 driver of Brltty... Or read out the
Braille monitor itself? We would need text and cursor, I guess.

We have a LCD where you can just send text like:

echo "test test test/n"

to the serial port so that shouldn't be a hard task hardware wise.

Has someone tried that before?



Dipl.-Phys. Michael Zacherle    zacherle szs uni-karlsruhe de
Studienzentrum fÃr SehgeschÃdigte       Tel: +49-721-608.6951
UniversitÃt  Karlsruhe (TH)             Fax: +49-721-608.2020
EngesserstraÃe 4, 76128 Karlsruhe

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