Re: [orca-list] Orca and BRLTTY.

Hi Nick:

Hopefully it should "just work," but it might be that the appropriate
BrlAPI header files are not there when you build Orca.  As a result, the
BrlTTY support in Orca won't be built.

You might try upgrading to BrlTTY 3.8:

Hope this helps,


On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 20:57 +0100, Nick Adamson wrote:
Hi again all.

On my laptop at work which I'm running the speekup modified distribution of
fedora. I've got BRLTTY 3.7.2. can anyone go through the procedure of how to
get BRLTTY working with Orca? as all I get on the display is "screen not in
text mode."


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