Re: [orca-list] full screen magnification

Hey Cody!

> so the question is, how do I get orca to have full screen
> magnification.

Are you using Feisty or Gutsy?

Based on what you described, I'm guessing Feisty. On a fully-updated Gutsy with the latest gnome-mag from svn trunk, I just needed to adjust the zoomer dimensions. I tried that on Feisty and my screen blanked out (not counting the cross hairs).

> I also think it'd be a nice feature to add in the prefs dialogue to
> check a box for full screen magnification.

Samuel Thibault thinks so too. <smile> His RFE is here:

As he pointed out:

> Starting from gnome-mag 0.14.1 and the composite extension,
> fullscreen magnification is possible without trickering with X server
> configuration.

I had once tried the "trickering" and never got it working. :-( So if your friend could give Gutsy a shot, that might be the answer. Admittedly there are some accessibility issues with the current Gutsy, and I'm not sure where things stand there. Hopefully they will get resolved soon. In the meantime, I'll see about getting that checkbox in place.

Hope you're enjoying the summer!

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