Re: [orca-list] firefox inaccessible?

Hi Igor:

When Orca announces something as being inaccessible, it's usually
because that something is not playing well with the accessibility
infrastructure.  There are several things that might be going on to make
this happen:

1) Accessibility is not enabled.  This command will tell you if
accessibility is enabled or not:

gconftool --get /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility

2) After accessibility was enabled, you didn't log out and log back in.
This is necessary so that the appropriate libraries initialize
themselves with accessibility.

3) The GTK_MODULES environment variable is not set, and I'm confused
about what's needed ever since the work for AT-SPI access to multi-user
stuff on the same display has gone in.   In any case, GTK_MODULES may or
may not be used/needed by Firefox, but it's presence can't hurt.  The
typical setting is:


Hope this helps,


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