Re: [orca-list] orca seams fine now, should I upgrade or wait till ubuntu 7.04?

Hello Krishnakant,
you need the very latest Orca and the very latest Firefox to benefit from 
Orca's accessibility features of Firefox.
Neither Orca 2.19.1pre, nore Firefox 3.0a4pre will be content of Ubuntu 
7.04. So stay with your running system and do the following:
sudo apt-get install subversion gnome-common
svn co orca
sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca
cd orca
./ --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
After every step check out the output for eventually given error messages.
Restart Orca.
For Firefox visit:
Download the .tar.bz2 file that contains the very latest FF3. Leave your 
browser and type:
tar xjfv <filename of firefox>
Open a Gnome terminal and do:
cd firefox
You can also open the run dialog by pressing Alt+F2 and type:
In order to read the Orca documentation for Firefox visit:
Note: In order to update the very latest Orca, you can change into your 
downloaded Orca directory and do:
svn update
To install repeat the above steps.

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