Re: [orca-list] Gmail audio verification doesn't play in Firefox

I shouldn't have the problem of speech and sounds not being able to be
played at the same time because I have a soundblaster live value here.
But just for grins I tried disabling Orca before clicking on the listen
link. No luck. The link still doesn't play, but when I reenable speech I
find that I have been automatically placed on the text box to enter the
numbers. The problem does seem to be in the browser somewhere or I must
be missing a plugin I need, although I have both the vlc and mplayer
plugins installed, so one of them should play the sound file. In lynx,
vlc plays the file or I have the option to download it and play it in
whatever player I like. But none of the Firefox plugins seem to handle
this simple wav file, and Firefox won't let me download it, since in
Firefox the link is a javascript function whereas in lynx it's an actual
link to a file. Could it be that the vlc and mplayer plugins conflict? I
could try uninstalling one or the other to see what happens.

Live long and prosper,
I've always found anomalies to be very relaxing. It's a curse.
--Jadzia Dax: Star Trek Deep Space Nine (The Assignment)

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