Re: [orca-list] Orca Hot Key

Well...darn! That key should work, too. Can you try doing the following so we can see what the key is bound to on your system?

1) Add the following to the bottom of $HOME/.orca/

orca.debug.debugLevel = orca.debug.LEVEL_ALL
orca.debug.debugFile = open('debug.out', 'w', 0)

2) Stop/restart Orca

3) Press the 'bad' Insert key several times.

4) Stop Orca.

5) Send us the debug.out file.



Ian Pascoe wrote:
Hi all

After trying for ages to get various Orca functions using the Orca hot key,
Insert, I have at last worked out why nothing was working for me.

Yes, you guessed it I was using the wrong Insert key <blushes>.

I had been trying to use the Insert key on the group of 6 keys just above
the arrow keys on a standard English keyboard when I accidentially pressed
the keypad 0 and space, and whoa! the preferences dialogue appeared.

After I get over this revelation I'll start trying to understand a bit more
about Orca, albeit at v1 - but you got to start somewhere!


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