Re: Orca edgy not installing

Hey mike,

  I have the same issue the the Edgy live disk and so now I know its not
just me. It takes ages for it to boot, and half the time, even if you
press f5, 3, then enter, speech won't come up anyway. Maybe you might
try the alternate CD to install without booting to the desktop I don't
know never used it. But its worth a shot.

On Wed, 2006-11-08 at 20:15 +0000, MICHAEL WEAVER wrote:
I went to my Linux group on Monday to try and upgrade my version of 
Ubuntu to Edgy.
However the speech didn't seem to come up when I pressed F5 followed by 
3 when the boot menu came up and it seems like even trying to install 
without speech didn't work either.
I burned the Live CD myself at home.
For some reason it took an extremely long time to load Ubuntu as a live 
version on my laptop, I got the music and the icons took ages to come up 
but even when a Fully Sighted person double clicked on the install icon 
on the desktop, the system just crashed.
I know there was talk of a problem with the desktop icon for the 
installer in the info on having a spoken installation of Ubuntu from 
running it live but does this problem affect the Sighted user as well 
which was why I kept getting a system crsh?
As far as I know I don't have any problems with my CDs as I think it 
does run as Live but I burned a fresh copy on Tuesday to see if I have 
the same problem and as far as I can tell although I can't read the 
screen without speech, the problem is still there.
I even tried checking my desk when I put it in my desktop machine but it 
keeps trying to come up with that stuff on screen so I can't check to 
see if all the files are there so the only thing I can see is something 
like disk tree or something like that because it tries to run as live 
when I am in Windows.
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