Re: Orca Dependencies Question

One more thought ...

Janina Sajka writes:
Willie Walker writes:

Because of the dynamic nature of Python, I leaned towards forcing the
runtime requirements to be build requirements in, and I
believe you are probably running into this.  I did this to try to avoid
users that scream "HEY! It built, but it won't run.  What did you guys
screw up?" when in fact the problem is that they didn't have the
necessary runtime requirements installed.
to help with correct package identifiers. How easy is it to get a list of
what Orca actually needs at runtime?

I think I can take the next cut at this as follows:

1.)     I will compare your list of requires against package names
typically available on Fedora.

2.)      I'll come back here with the diff, e.g. gtk+,

That should make it easier to figure out what in Fedora provides the
missing pieces.



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Janina Sajka                          Phone: +1.240.715.1272
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC    http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

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Janina Sajka                            Phone: +1.240.715.1272
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada--Go to 
http://ScreenlessPhone.Com to learn more.

Chair, Accessibility Workgroup          Free Standards Group (FSG)
janina freestandards org      

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