RE: Navigating GAIM (was Re: tarting orca)

Hello Cody,
I could probably give you a layout of good key functions that 
will help a user feel more at home with orca. I some how feel 
funny about doing so because of the fact that it resembles 
jaws too much. 
When coming up with the keypad layout for orca I've really tried to come up
with a simple and intuitive layout that requires as few presses of key
combinations as possible.  If you have questions as to why things are a
certain way or suggestions on how to improve things please send them to the
I'm still digging to find another eloquence 
speech driver. so far I have found nothing but payable sdk's 
which isn't exactly what I want. i guess not everything is 
free, right?
I'm afraid you'll probably end up wanting a commercial TTS engine such as
software dectalk.   
  I also have another question about key assignments. I'm not 
sure if it has anything to do with orca, but I have my gnome 
desktop setup where I only have one task bar, and one main 
menu. I want to be able to press the windows logo key, and 
just as it does in windows, bring up the gnome main menu. is 
this possible. as of now that key is useless and has no purpose. 
I was sort of thinking of using the windows key as a second orca modifier
because I thought it might be an easier key for many laptops but I haven't
thought this through to much yet.  Any thoughts?  
Thanks for all the positive feedback.  

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