RE: Orca Missing description in planner's toggle button

I think so, the good would be a description for this, gedit has a similar
ribbon for opening files, near to open's button, but is described and named
suitable. In this case is to display the files opened recently, and Orca
says "open a recently used file".
We can easily work around this in the Orca script. Mike, 
what would you like to see spoken/brailled here?

Could be "display more options" or "show the rest of the elements" .... ??

We could add some logic to Orca to detect an unnamed toggle button at
the end of a toolbar and force the name to "display more options."  At
the same time, I'd opt to log a bug against the application developers
to make sure these graphics-only buttons have an accessible name set

A lot of what we do in Orca is a two-pronged approach: provide
workarounds in Orca scripts to accommodate odd behavior in applications,
but also log bugs against the applications to fix it at the source.  The
trick often becomes creating a solution in Orca that works with both the
bad and good behaviors.

In any case, if someone wants to give it a shot, I'd first try by doing
something localized to the planner script, get it to work, and then
maybe push it upwards.  The logic might be as follows:  

Provide a new SpeechGenerator as is done in the gedit script.  This will
subclass the "global" SpeechGenerator and will override the
_getSpeechForToggleButton method.  

In this method, do the logic to check for a toggle button with no name
in a toolbar.  If this happens, don't use the calls to
_getSpeechForLabelAndRole, but build up the utterance manually using 
_("Display more options") as the label.  It's also important to document
why this is being done (e.g., "We're doing this to accommodate those
nasty triangular shaped buttons in toolbars that have no labels but are
used to present the user with more options.").

You'll also need to do something similar for the BrailleGenerator.


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