Re: Start to scripting Orca

Dorado Martínez, Francisco Javier wrote:
10. To assign a task a resource go back to tasks toggle button
11. Go to the table where the taks are 12. On a task display the poppup menu by pressing shift + f10
13. Down arrow until "assign a resource"
14. Here is the problem....

A new dialog appears to select resources, by tabbing you arrives to a
splitPane  with a unknown role on it that represent the resources and ATSPI
can not obtain information. I think this is a custom component that needs to
implement ATK so a new bug has to be filed for planner.

It doesn't appear to be a custom component. Here's the hierarchy at that point:

+-name='planner' role='application' state=''
+-name='Edit task properties' role='dialog' state='ACTIVE ENABLED RESIZABLE SENSITIVE SHOWING VISIBLE' +-name=None role='filler' state='ENABLED SENSITIVE SHOWING VERTICAL VISIBLE' +-name=None role='page tab list' state='ENABLED FOCUSABLE SENSITIVE SHOWING VISIBLE' +-name='Resources' role='page tab' state='ENABLED MULTI_LINE SELECTABLE
+-name=None role='scroll pane' state='ENABLED FOCUSABLE SENSITIVE SHOWING VISIBLE' +-name=None role='table' state='ENABLED FOCUSABLE FOCUSED SENSITIVE

So we are in a table. There are three columns:

Name      Assigned    Units

The entry we are at has nothing in the Name table cell.
There is a checkbox in the Assigned table cell (not checked), and
the value of Units is 0. If a check the checkbox, Units goes to 100.

Before I file a bug again planner, I'd like to understand better why Orca isn't speaking the table cells here. I've filed an Orca bug against Orca (#337659) on this for now.

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