Re: Orca what went wrong?

Hi All:

It is indeed possible to install/use Orca from places other than /usr.
For more information on what you need to do (basically set PYTHONPATH),
please refer to the "Do I have to install into /usr?" question of the

I think the underlying problem here is that the moon and the stars needs
to be aligned for gnome-speech and PyORBit to play well with each other.
I'm guessing there probably is some environment variable that needs to
be set (LD_LIBRARY_PATH?), but I've never really figured this out.
There are people far more passionate about not using --prefix=/usr than
I am - I'm wondering if they may be able to help out here?


On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 06:51 +0200, Jan Buchal wrote:
"FJC" == Frank J Carmickle <frank carmickle com> writes:

    FJC> Hi Willie and all I have been trying to get orca to run for the
    FJC> last 3 days. I keep updating cvs thinking that I may just have
    FJC> checked at a time with bugs. I seem to get the same kind of
    FJC> errors over and over again. Test-speech works fine. Here's the
    FJC> output of orca-setup. Looks like it is a problem with my python
    FJC> setup?
I think that problem is with PATH. You can try ./configure --prefix=/usr
before make orca. Unfortunately is not possible install orca in
/usr/local, I don't know why.

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