Re: [orca-devel] really no idea? Re: Some user-settings changes

El 22/06/10 17:08, Halim Sahin escribió:
Hi, sorry for my late answer!
How do you want to store settings from
At the moment I am only focused on customizations stored in, my (personal) intention is to store all apps-related customizations/configurations. Once were migrated to gconf, orca-customizations and app-settings will store as now (in python modules), but, i repeat, i take in mind to migrate all configs and work with all of them from the same point, the settings_manager module.

The file may contain setting which shouldn't be overwritten through the
main orca usersettings.
Sorry for my unknowledge, but I'm not a orca user and i don't know what type of settings are stored there (orca-customizations). I know about orca-customizations file but, can you explain me what type of settings are there and/or how to set-up this customizations? It really takes sense to include them into userCustomizableSettings?


Javier Hernández Antúnez<jhernandez emergya es>
Área de Operaciones

Emergya Consultoría
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