[orca-devel] Need help with new-settings model

Hi all!

Yesterday, Alejandro Leiva pushed my last orca modifications, using 'new settings model', but now I have a disturbing bug that blocks the merge with master branch and to finishing final implementation and code refactorings.

At the moment, new-settings branch includes:
  - settings_manager fully functional
  - classic backend (old user-settings.py)
  - gconf_backend (new settings)
  - Profiles support in gconf backend, you can:
    - create new profiles
    - load profiles
    - change active profile to load

There are some bugs, but there is a special bug that i can't fix.
When I've just save new settings, they are all applied succesfully, but if I want to exit Orca, I get a freeze and I don't know if this bug makes any part of Orca doesn't work properly. I don't get a Traceback or some debug info that can help me to fix this.

If I use classic backend over settings manager, all is fine, but the problem is with gconf_backend, in loadSettings method.

Could anyone test the branch and give me some feedback about new-settings and, specially, about this bug?


Javier Hernández Antúnez<jhernandez emergya es>
Área de Operaciones

Emergya Consultoría
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77
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