Re: bonobo, c++, hello world

yrc wrote:


I'm looking for a c++ bonobo tutorial using bonobomm since 3 weeks, but
google and i weren't able to find one, at least recent (and no one in c

There are some examples in the sources of libbonobouimm, but it's only
with a graphical interface, and there is no examples in the sources of
libbonobomm. What i whish is something to remotely control my program.

Do someone have a simple c++ example which works fine ? or a link where
I can found one? I just need a server with one function, that take 1
argument, and a client that call this function. no more :-)

It sounds like you don't need to use Bonobo. Rather you can just use the CORBA C++ bindings directly. Take a look through the orbitcpp source. The hello world test program in the test/cpp/helloworld directory should get you started.

Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
phone  : +61 3 9545 8055
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email  : Bowie Owens csiro au

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