Re: Trouble writing a Factory

Nick Glencross wrote:

Bowie Owens wrote:

I've just added a test client and server that implements a really basic factory. It can be found under test/cpp/factory. It should be enough to get you started. You will have to check out the CVS version of orbitcpp to get at the example. Instructions on how to get the CVS version on the orbitcpp webpage.

FYI, after installing orbitcpp from the CVS version systemwide (if you recall, it was from an Gentoo emerge), the assertion is no longer happening.

I've been out of contact for a few days. I did forget to check in the idl file. I have checked it in now. Though you got the idl right. As for the assertion, as you have identified it is a bug that exists in the last release but not in the CVS version. I'll try and put out a new release shortly.

Next I going to experiement with nameservers and orbitcpp (again, so example of this I don't think),

I added the nameserver stuff recently and I don't think it has had much attention. So if you find any problems please let me know. Also I'd be delighted to receive new examples/tests.

Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
phone  : +61 3 9545 8055
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email  : Bowie Owens csiro au

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