Re: Memory leak on CORBA_String_dup

Hi arijit,

On 28/07/2008, at 14.28, arijit wrote:
On 28/07/2008, at 11.29, arijit wrote:

 I am using ORBit2 on server side and OpenORB on the client side.
The ORBit2 returns a string by doing CORBA_String_sup of a const
char *. In OpenORB, I take care of making sure the retruned value is
null-ified (though, I believe, it cannot contribute to the server
leaking memory!!).
 I have confirmed that the leak is with the String being passed,
by, increasing the size of the String being returned, and seeing the
server leak increasing significantly!
 Am I missing something, or am I going horribly wrong somewhere?
 Any help is much appreciated!!

Seeing the server side method code will help.

Best regards,

 Here is the code snippet:

static uancorba_SessionID
(impl_POA_uancorba_SessionManager *servant,
CORBA_Environment *ev)
       uancorba_SessionID retval;
         retval = CORBA_string_dup("TEST THIS OUT FIRST");
           return (retval);

In the idl, SessionID is defined, thus:
module uancorba {

* The SessionID is a unique identifier used to represent the user's session.
 typedef string SessionID;


I am using ORBit2 version number: 2.12.4.

Your code is correct and should not leak but you are using an ancient version of ORBit2. Please try again with something newer like "2.14.13".

Best regards,

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