echo-client and echo-server on different physical machines, referencing echo.ref

I recently downloaded and successfully compiled the echo example from orbit-docs.tar.gz on a Debian Sarge system. The echo-client and echo-server tests ran fine. (I don't see a version number, but the orbit-docs/examples/echo/Makefile datestamp is 2004-07-09 09:34:54.

Since the echo-client and echo-server ran OK on the same machine, the paragraph in this web page was interesting:

<<<If you want to have fun now, compile orbit on a different machine, make echo-client on the different machine, move echo.ref from the first machine to the second and run echo-client: eh voila - client/server over tcp/ip with the same code that ran using unix sockets on a single machine.>>>

However, even after copying the echo.ref file as explained in the above web page, echo-client could not connect to echo-server.

Has this been fixed, or are there ways to troubleshoot this? I'd like to experiment with echo-client and echo-server on different machines, I'm sure it's possible.



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