patch for orbit-idl-2 to emit per interface imethod index


Don't know how to contribute yet (anyone want to tell me how ?),
so I just email the patch to this mailing list:

The patch is against ORBit2-2.14.0.
With this patch, the IDL

interface Hello {
    attribute long data;
    void hello1();
    void hello2();
    void hello3();

will emit the following extra codes to Hello.h

/* IMethods index */
typedef enum {
    Hello__get_data_IMETHODS_INDEX = 0,
    Hello__set_data_IMETHODS_INDEX = 1,
    Hello_hello1_IMETHODS_INDEX = 2,
    Hello_hello2_IMETHODS_INDEX = 3,
    Hello_hello3_IMETHODS_INDEX = 4
} Hello__imethods_index;

Basically, the method is copy/modify from orbit-idl-c-common.c.

kccheng linuxdaq-labs org

Attachment: patch.imethods-index
Description: Binary data

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