Getting objref type info on the fly for a scripting language binding


I'm trying to update my old php-orbit bindings to ORBit2.

I've got a serious problem:

When calling a method I need to find the methods of the interface.
Before I can do that I need to find the interface definition of the
object reference I want to use.

There's a ORBit_small_get_type_id. But why does it always make a request
across the network even if it already knows the type?

When I'm not using ORBit2 on the other end the function fails to tell me
the repoid. When I hack ORBit_small_get_type_id to always just return
g_quark_to_string(objref->type_qid) it works.

PyORBit shows the same behavior.

I can get the reference from an external IOR, but if it's not an ORBit2
server the __typecode__ property (from the PyORBit bindings) just return
CORBA.Object and I can't call any methods.

In ORBit1 I could just use obref->object_id (I copied that from Owen
Taylor's CORBA::ORBit perl bindings) and it never failed me.

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