Re: The problem still persists

Sergio PérezAlcañiz wrote:

>Executing ior-decode-2:
>Object ID: IDL:Echo:1.0
>IOP_TAG_INTERNET_IOP: GIOP 1.2 carranc:32785
>    object_key (28) '0000000010e5b008be18985c4590b1f5aa3de326010000009e46f490'
Well, it should work now as the server offers TCP endpoint host=carranc 
at port=32785.
Looks like network problem! Can you reach server-host from client-host?

Can you resolve domain name?
bash$ nslookup carranc

Can you ping server-host:
bash$ ping carranc

The problem might be caused by  firewall? Can you contact to endpoint 
using telnet?
bash$ telnet carranc 32785

Cheers, Frank

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