IOR Repository ID Miss Match ref: ORBit-0.5.17 not working with MICO 2.3.7?

Why does the ORBit Repository ID not match the MICO Repository ID?

At this point I am making the assumption ORBit is wrong....  especially
since the IOR profile is wrong when I trace a MICO client attempted connect
to a ORBit server.


Dave Haverkamp


decode of ORBit IOR:

    Repo Id:

IIOP Profile
    Version:  1.0
    Address:  inet:
        Key:  00 00 00 00 38 15 76 95 5a 7e ce 3a 00 00 00 01
              00 ee fa ff ff 00 d0 d0                         ........

Mico Narrow is looking for this repoid:


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