Re: (ORBit-mt-0.5.7)g_main_iterate(): main loop already active in another thread

Hi Rajesh,

> Thanks for the reply Sebastian. I am indeed running ORBit-mt-0.5.7.
> I need the setup that i had mentioned earlier because the
> server thread A.1 is waiting for requests from another process,
> say D (single threaded client). 

Don't be to quick, saying you need a threaded CORBA server. Often it can
be done better with single threading. If A is a CORBA server, but also
issues requests itself (acting as a client then), there is no need to do
it multithreaded per se. But that's your decision.

> I am still seeing the same problem.

Which one?

> Also i am unable to comprehend the threading policies that have
> been mentioned on the ORBit-mt web-site. CORBA2.4 spec doesnt carry
> any explaination about those policies either, so where
> can i get any documentation on that??

What exactly of the following policies don't you understand?

        * PortableServer_THREAD_PER_OBJECT: all requests to the same 
          object will be serialized. It is not garanteed though, that
          there is a 1-to-1 relation between object and thread. This is
          the default: (i.e. it equals PortableServer_ORB_CTRL_MODEL)
        * PortableServer_SINGLE_THREAD_MODEL: all requests will be
          serialized. you can however use the orb from multiple threads.
        * PortableServer_THREAD_PER_REQUEST: every incoming request will
          be dispatched to a new thread.
        * PortableServer_THREAD_PER_POA: all requests to the same POA
          will be serialized.
        * PortableServer_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION: all requests from the
          same connection will be serialized.

I think, the description is rather non-ambiguous.

Sebastian Wilhelmi

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