Re: ORBit2 binary compatibility breakage

Hi Chris,

On Thu, 2002-01-17 at 21:45, Chris Waters wrote:
> Can you be a little more specific (offlist if you'd prefer) about
> which version of what will introduce/has introduced this breakage, so
> I can prepare a coherent alert for the other people in the Debian org
> who may be affected by this?  (And so I can at least attempt to
> introduce some "Conflicts:" fields for the appropriate packages.)

	Ok - so we are in a source compatibility freeze at the moment, but we
can break binary compatibility - this doesn't happen too much, and we
try and give warning.

	What an IDL compiler change means is that any package that contains IDL
needs to be re-compiled with the new ORBit2 - NB. this ORBit2 hasn't
been released yet, it's only an issue for people tracking CVS HEAD.

	Gnome 2.0 modules containing IDL are: 

	GConf, bonobo-activation, libbonobo, gnome-core, nautilus, gnome-media

	There are possibly some others I've forgotten; just do a find -name
'*.idl'. So you shouldn't need to worry, at least until our next release
- hopefully I'll get a bit more breakage in before then too to make
union marshaling more efficient ;-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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