Re: ORBIT Nameserver problem


On Thu, 22 Nov 2001 03:29:43 -0600 (CST)
Murali Ravirala <> wrote:

MR> Hello,
MR> We are trying to get the Nameserver working with the server and client on 
MR> different machines. But the Server is unable to bind to the Naming server 
MR> (which runs on a different machine), eventhough we provide the IOR of the 
MR> naming service and enable IIOP for TCP/IP (by setting ORBIIOPIPv4=1, and 
MR> ORBIIOPUSock=0). However, things work fine when the server, client and
MR> service are all on the same host. Is there any other configuration
required to 
MR> get Naming service to work across hosts?

This configuration (working in local and not working in remote), at least at
first sight, seems to me like a OS configuration error. For example, make sure
that your /etc/hosts file contains the name of the machine, and not only
"localhost". Note that if you don't include your machine name into the
/etc/hosts file, ORBit may use "localhost" (or as the IP address of
your machine. This works in local, but *not* in remote.

	Try using "ior-decode" utility to show up how are the IOR of your objects
formed. If you find there the localhost address, then this is the problem.

	Hope this helps.
	Best regards.

Diego Sevilla Ruiz -- --
Dep. Ingeniería y Tecnología de Computadores, Facultad de Informática Murcia,Campus Espinardo,30080 Murcia (SPAIN),Tel.+34968367658
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