Re: Event service (was: Problems marshalling an any)

Hi Roland,

> > Just one question: Are you using the event server from ORBit? It's
> > not ready.  Actually it is not even close to be ready, honestly, it
> > should be removed from the surface of the earth to make it a better
> > place. It's all my fault.
>   You won't get away with that sort of talk, you know?  Especially
> since I happen to have realised this very morning that an event
> service is exactly what I need :-)

Bad Luck.

>   How usable is the Orbit event service?  How unusable is it?  What
> are the known problems?  The README file says that the server supports
> Generic Push, which is what I think I need, is it somewhat stable?
> Will it be in a reasonably near future?

It is completely unusable and will remain so for long time. I got no time
doing it.

>   Alternatively, I could use the MICO eventd, except that it's not
> really documented, and does not output any IOR to connect.  It says
> something about the naming service, but I'm not sure what.

That was another misconception of me. Do not run an external event service.
Link it as a library and use it there. Of course that won't work for an MICO
event server in ORBit programs. So you have to write a event server factoty in
MICO and let it output the IOR of a server.
>   Any clues on where to find more info?

No, actually not.

Sebastian Wilhelmi                   |            här ovanför alla molnen
mailto:wilhelmi ira uka de           |     är himmlen så förunderligt blå   |

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