Event service (was: Problems marshalling an any)

Sebastian Wilhelmi (2000-10-04 13:18:55 +0200) :

> Just one question: Are you using the event server from ORBit? It's
> not ready.  Actually it is not even close to be ready, honestly, it
> should be removed from the surface of the earth to make it a better
> place. It's all my fault.

  You won't get away with that sort of talk, you know?  Especially
since I happen to have realised this very morning that an event
service is exactly what I need :-)

  How usable is the Orbit event service?  How unusable is it?  What
are the known problems?  The README file says that the server supports
Generic Push, which is what I think I need, is it somewhat stable?
Will it be in a reasonably near future?

  Alternatively, I could use the MICO eventd, except that it's not
really documented, and does not output any IOR to connect.  It says
something about the naming service, but I'm not sure what.

  Any clues on where to find more info?

Roland Mas

- Ogenki desuka, yau de poêle ?
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