Re: ORBit2, IDL compiler improvements

On 8/24/00, 4:14:08 PM, Elliot Lee <> wrote regarding 
ORBit2, IDL compiler improvements:

> The goals I want to accomplish by the next major release are to make 
> a lot nicer on embedded systems, to make it perfectly secure for use on
> exposed networks. Practically speaking these mean:
>       . Reduce footprint
>               . Add multiple (de)marshalling mechanisms to the IDL
>               compiler, such as Michael's thing to use the CORBA_any
>               marshalling mechanism, and heuristics to let it choose
>               the 'best' one for particular situations.
>               . Run memprof on ORBit proggies.
>       . Make it faster (which is a goal of mine anyways :)
>       . Allow conditional compile-time inclusion of features
>       . Add bounds checking in the IDL compiler output.
>       . Add bounds checking in the orb code that handles incoming data,
>       and formally document + audit the untrusted data that gets
>       handled.

I don't see SSL on your list. After Sept. 20 that could be a NICE compile 
time option.

> I also want to add multithreading & thread safety, just because it seems
> to be needed by others. Sebastian already has done some work in this 

Hear HEAR!

> If you disagree with any of these ideas, please speak up - these are just
> the rantings of a hacker who is itching to turn the ORBit world upside
> down once again :)

I heartily agree with your direction. Do carry on!

The coolest feature in the world IMO would be the ability to hack out a 
multithreaded CORBA servant in Perl (that experimental stuff) or Python 
or TCL with ORBit as the ORB. (someday...)


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